
Legal Book List

Treasury, Investment and Risk Management

Treasury, Investment and Risk Management - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Treasury, Investment and Risk Management


2nd Edition 2017
Pages | Format
592 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : The book "Treasury, Investment and Risk Management" covers 12 chapters in Part I & 6 chapters in Part II .This book covers the key strategies of treasury management and a holistic understanding of treasury and risk management concepts and the logic that underpin financial instruments and derivatives. The book is mainly oriented towards banks but it is also useful to the students of Management.


This book on Treasury, Investment & Risk Management covers the key strategies of treasury management and a holistic understanding of treasury and risk management concepts and the logic that underpin financial instruments and derivatives. The subject has assumed an increasingly greater importance with the globalisation of Indian Financial Markets. Today, the banks are exposed to a multiplicity of risks. Hence it becomes vital that the bank employees working in the treasury and risk management departments need to retool, re-equip and fully update themselves to meet the latest developments on the subject.
The book is based on the rich experience of the team of subject matter experts. The book is mainly oriented towards banks but it is also useful to the students of Management.

Chapter No Chapter name
PAPER: I Treasury & Investment Management
Chapter: 1 Financial Markets
Chapter: 2 Money Market
Chapter: 3 Capital Market
Chapter: 4 Foreign Exchange (Fx) Markets
Chapter: 5 Debt Markets And Fixed Income Securities
Chapter: 6 Interest Rate Quotations And Market Terminology
Chapter: 7 Derivatives - An Overview
Chapter: 8 Treasury Management
Chapter: 9 Liquidity Management
Chapter: 10 Risk analysis And Control
Chapter: 11 Front Office/Mid Office/Back Office
Chapter: 12 Regulations, Supervision and Compliance Of Treasury Operations
Chapter: 13 Role of Information Technology In Treasury Management
ANNEXURE: 1 Price Calculations :Treasury bills
ANNEXURE: 2 Price Calculations : Forex Treasury
ANNEXURE: 3 Market Practices
ANNEXURE: 4 TreasuryTerminology
Paper: II Risk Management
Chapter : 1 Introduction to Risk Management
Chapter : 2 Risk Management Process
Chapter : 3 Setting Up a Risk Organization
Chapter : 4 Assets/Liabilities Management (ALM)
Chapter : 5 Some Important Concepts
Chapter : 6 Understanding Basel Accord And Its Implications