
Legal Book List

The Indian Evidence Act

The Indian Evidence Act - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
The Indian Evidence Act

[Not available]

3rd Edition 2019
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A topical commentary, with a section-wise content flow, this work adopts an entirely different approach to the study of the law of evidence; focussing on emerging issues as well as international developments. The Common Law countries have brought about significant changes in the well- established rules of Common Law pertaining to evidence, and these have developments have been referred at appropriate places in this work. Relevant statutory changes have been incorporated, and important decisions by apex courts in India, United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Nigeria that have either altered the direction of legal principles or thrown new light on existing principles, have been carefully examined. The Indian Evidence Act’s interface with the Criminal Procedure Code, Civil Procedure Code and the Indian Penal Code has also been analysed; providing interesting insights into the whole corpus of the law of evidence of India

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