
Legal Book List

Medical Negligence and Legal Remedies

Medical Negligence and Legal Remedies - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Medical Negligence and Legal Remedies

[Not available]

4th Edition 2016
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The human body remains one of the greatest creations of Almighty on earth. Since evolution, man has endeavored to keep himself rooted with the gifts of nature to maintain good health and longevity. But, disease and death are inevitable. Physical discomfort, disablement or death suspected to be caused by human action or inaction creates fundamental conflicts of mutual co-existence. Jurisdictions all over the world apply similar parameters for determination of liability in such eventful episodes of medical negligence. Medicine is said to be an inexact science. Therefore, each case has its own peculiar impact. Based on the pathophysiology of the disease, its prognosis, known complications, morbidity, mortality, palliative care, and the prevailing protocols of clinical practices for its management, the adjudication of the dispute is arrived at. The book entails its focus on discussing a large number of diseases so that the judicial pronouncements on the merits involved, reach every reader.

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