
Legal Book List

International Trade Finance

International Trade Finance  - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
International Trade Finance


Pages | Format
304 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : The book"International Trade Finance" provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the International trade finance practices with emphasis on the procedures,documentation and regulatory framework in so far as international tradefinance is concerned. The book is intended to assist practitioners and students to gain an understanding of the practical aspects of international trade finance which can be applied in real life situations.This book will be useful to banking professionals as also to other professionals in corporates and management students also.


The book on International Trade Finance provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the international trade finance practices with emphasis on the procedures, documentation and regulatory framework insofar as international trade finance is concerned. The book is intended to assist practitioners and students to gain an understanding of the practical aspects of international trade finance which can be applied in real life situations.
The book will be useful to banking professionals as also to other professionals in corporates and management students also.

Chapter No Chapter name
SECTION : 1 Macro Perspective
SECTION: 2 Trade Transactions
SECTION: 3 Trade Finance
SECTION: 4 Risk Management
SECTION: 5 Regulatory Framework
SECTION: 6 Facilitation Bodies
APPENDIX: 1 Important Trade Terms
Appendix: 2 Deemed Exports
Appendix: 3 Exim Bank’s Operative Lines of Credit
Appendix: 4 Exim Bank’s Pipeline Locs