
Legal Book List

Insurance and Risk Management

Insurance and Risk Management - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Insurance and Risk Management

[Not available]

Pages | Format
850 | paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : Insurance is now fast growing area of academic study or profession. The recent financial crisis has witnessed the indispensable need of professionals in the area of risk management.

The book is organized from a combination of three perspectives-(a) insurance and risk management, (b) insurance classes and products and (c) managerial aspects in insurance business. Part I introduction the concepts of risk management to the readers.. It has been divided into two sections Section I deals II deals with economic and financial environment covering the historical evolution if insurance, the privatization of the insurance sector and insurance industry facts, accounting and taxation aspects and global picture of insurance. Part IVdeals with the life insurance business covering the life insurance players and products, claim settlement and procedural aspects, group insurance and life assurance management. Part V focuses on non-life category. It covers the history of general insurance, the players and their performance, product wise the various non-life insurance categories. Attempt has been made to provide the statistics to the maximum possible extent. Part VIof the book is an attempt to explore the functional areas of insurance business more specifically the organization structures of insurance companies, design and development of product

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