
Legal Book List

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Customer Relationship Management


Pages | Format
244 | paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : CRM is about acquiring, developing and retaining the satisfied loyal customers; achieving profitable growth; and creating economic value in a company's brand.

CRM is not a new concept but an age-old practice, which is on the rise because of the benefit it offers, especially in the present market scenario. CRM today is a discipline as well as a set of discrete software technologies, which focuses on automating and improving the business processes associated with managing customer relationship in the areas of sales, marketing, customer-service and support. CRM helps companies understand, established and nurture long-term relationship with clients as well as help in retaining current customers.

CRM is basically a methodology and software that helps an enterprise manage its customer relationships in an efficient way. CRM includes all business processes like sales, marketing and service that serve the customer in everyday business activities. What happens in CRM is that an enterprise builds a customer database that describes the customer in detail so that management, salespersons, customer service people and customers can access the information, match customer needs with product plans and give excellent customer service. For this, it is essential to gain the trust of customers through more personalised services. CRM basically helps in gaining the trust of customers through more efficient customer service.

The book is prepared to meet the expectations and requirements of postgraduate and undergraduates students. The book is divided into 14 chapters.

Chapter No Chapter name
Chapter: 1 Introduction
Chapter: 2 CRM Strategy and CRM Building Blocks
Chapter: 3 Types of CRM
Chapter: 4 CRM in Marketing
Chapter: 5 Customer Lifecycle Care: Leveraging Customer Service to Achieve CRM Success
Chapter: 6 CRM in e-Business
Chapter: 7 CRM Planning
Chapter: 8 CRM Implementation
Chapter: 9 Sales Force Automation (SFA)
Chapter: 10 Call Centre
Chapter: 11 CRM and Data Warehousing
Chapter: 12 HRM in CRM
Chapter: 13 CRM: Customer Retention Strategy
Chapter: 14 CRM − Opportunities and Challenges