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Commentary on Trade Marks Act - Including Schedules, Rules, Notifications, Treaties, Conventions and much more

Commentary on Trade Marks Act - Including Schedules, Rules, Notifications, Treaties, Conventions and much more - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Commentary on Trade Marks Act - Including Schedule..


5th Edition 2016
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This book is a practical treatise which approaches Trade Mark Law from a fully integrated legal and business perspective and clear and concise explanations with illustrative case examples are provided to help one take a course of action in the full range of business scenarios. Both Indian and foreign cases have been referred and discussed and it contains in full, the principal opinion of the courts. In addition to incorporating all statutory changes where applicable on all important appendices relating to this field for easy reference undoubtedly renders the present book invaluable not only to the legal practitioners but also to the traders and buyers and administrative authorities connected with this Act.

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