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Basic Financial Accounting

Basic Financial Accounting(Set of 2 volumes) - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Basic Financial Accounting


4th Edition Aug 2017
Pages | Format
1302 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : The book "Basic Financial Accounting" consists of 30 chapters.This is a comprehensive text book on ‘Basic Financial Accounting’ for the B.Com SEM(I) Paper BCH 1.2 Core under CBCS Programme of University of Delhi and various Central Universities throughout India.


A Comprehensive text book on “Basic Financial Accounting” for theB.Com SEM (I) Paper BC 1.2 Core under CBCS Programme ofUniversity of Delhi and various Central Universities throughout India

  • The book is also useful for other UG/PG and management courses of various Universities/Institutions.
  • This book provides a comprehensive presentation of theory, procedure and practice of accounting.
  • It is a student-oriented book.
  • It has been written in simple language and in systematic manner.
  • Special emphasis has been given to those points which students generally find difficult.
  • It contains large number of solved illustrations with working notes.
  • Practical assignments and latest question papers have been given in Volume II of the book.
  • A large number of true or false type questions have also been incorporated in the book.
  • Accounting treatment has been given in conformity with the Accounting Standards and relevant statutes.
Chapter No Chapter name
Chapter: 1 Nature of Accounting
Chapter: 2 Financial accounting PrinciPles (concePts and conventions)
Chapter: 3 accounting standards, ind-as and iFrs
Chapter: 4 accounting Process : Journal and ledger
Chapter: 5 Accounting Process: Subsidiary books, Ledger and Trial Balance
Chapter: 6 Measurement of Business Income
Chapter: 7 Capital and revenue expenditures and receipts
Chapter: 8 Financial statements oF a sole trader
Chapter: 9 Financial statements of non for-Profit organisations
Chapter: 10 Depreciation Accounting
Chapter: 11 Inventory Valuation
Chapter: 12 Accounting for Hire Purchase System
Chapter: 13 Consignment Accounts
Chapter: 14 Joint Venture Accounts
Chapter: 15 Accounting for Dependent Branches
Chapter: 16 Accounting for Dissolution of Partnership Firms
Chapter: 17 Computerized Accounting System
Chapter: 18 Financial Statements from Incomplete Records (Single Entry System)