
Legal Book List

Bank Credit Management

Bank Credit Management - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Bank Credit Management


Pages | Format
392 | paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : Credit administration has been evolving and now more then a century old. In Europe, it is more than three centuries. Banks in India followed their own principles until globalization in economic front including financial sector reforms were initiated in 1990s.

In 1988 the committee for International Banking Supervision, Basel (Switzerland) evolved risk weighted approach and capital adequacy known as Basel II was recommended. The main aspects of Basel II are: (i) more risk sensitive, (ii) develop risk measurement and risk management techniques and (iii) align regulatory capital. Risk management has assumed high degree of importance. Of the three types of risks, namely credit, market and operational emphasis is on Credit risk. Deregulation and globalization financial service together with growing sophistication of financial service make banking and risk profiles more complex. Banks in India have to implement BASEL II not later than 31.03.2009. All these developments and fact credit portfolio both on and off balance sheet constitutes substantial composition, there is absolute need for bankers to understand the revised processes and systems that are different from traditional or pre-liberalisation approach to credit function.

The book on "Bank Credit Management" encompasses all the developments with adequate lucidity the credit management in Banks. It has captured the latest developments including Recovery Management as well as Micro Credit.

Chapter No Chapter name
Chapter: 1 Overview of Lending Activity