
Legal Book List

Accounting for Managers

Accounting for Managers - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Accounting for Managers


Pages | Format
808 | paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : This book is a text book and it is prepared systematically keeping in mind two important aspects-one, syllabi of Accounting for Managers course of MBA program of Bangalore and other universities and institute and two, the interest and requirements of, and expectations by, the students and teaching communities.

This book is a text book and it is prepared systematically keeping in mind two important aspects-one, syllabi of Accounting for Managers course of MBA program of Bangalore and other universities and institute and two, the interest and requirements of, and expectations by, the students and teaching communities. The analysis here is very lucid explaining the difficult theoretical concepts with the help if appropriate illustration. This helps the student-community to understand and appreciate the concepts.

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