
Legal Book List

The Specific Relief Act, 1963

The Specific Relief Act, 1963 - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
The Specific Relief Act, 1963

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15th Edition2018
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This updated edition covers the latest case law and legislative amendments till date as well as the current developments in the law relating to specific relief in India. All notable decisions of the Supreme Court and various High Courts, and the changes made by the various Amending Acts have been incorporated at appropriate places in the book. Important principles laid down by the Supreme Court in commercial matters have been covered in this edition. This edition has retained the old style of referring to international case laws, by including important arbitration proceedings and decisions of highest courts from common law jurisdictions, such as Singapore, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Malaysia. For easy navigation and reference, the book includes a detailed table of contents, table of cases and a comprehensive subject index.

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