
Legal Book List

Supreme Court of India

Supreme Court of India - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Supreme Court of India

[Not available]

Pages | Format
280 | Hardback
Approx. Product Size

Note : The book "Supreme Court of India" contains 7 chapters.

A leading expert on Indian judiciary, George Gadbois offers a compelling biography of the Supreme Court of India, a powerful institution. Written and researched when he was a graduate student in the 1960s, this book provides the first comprehensive account of the Court’s foundation and early years.

Gadbois opens with Hari Singh Gour’s proposal in 1921 to establish an indigenous ultimate court of appeal. After analyzing events preceding the Federal Court’s creation under the Government of India Act, 1935, Gadbois explores the Court’s largely overlooked role and record. He goes on to discuss the Constituent Assembly’s debates about Indian judiciary and the Supreme Court’s powers and jurisdiction under the Constitution. He pays particular attention to the history and practice of judicial appointments in India.
In the book’s later chapters, Gadbois assesses the functioning of the Supreme Court during its first decade and a half. He critically analyzes its first decisions on free speech, equality and reservations, preventive detention, and the right to property. The book is an institutional tour de force beginning with the Federal Court’s establishment in December 1937, through the Supreme Court’s inauguration in January 1950, and until the death of Jawaharlal Nehru in May 1964.

Chapter No Chapter name
Chapter: 1 Evolution of the Federal Court of India
Chapter: 2 The Federal Court of India: 1937–1950
Chapter: 3 The New Judicial Establishment
Chapter: 4 Jurisdiction and Powers of the Supreme Court
Chapter: 5 The Supreme Court in the Indian System of Government
Chapter: 6 Judicial Review in a Modern Democratic Welfare State
Chapter: 7 Summary and Conclusions