
Legal Book List

Law of Easements and Licences

Law of Easements and Licences - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Law of Easements and Licences


16th Edition 2017
Pages | Format
1168 | Hardback
Approx. Product Size

The Indian Easements Act entered into the statute book in the year 1882, but since then it has not been given effect to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir till today unlike all other contemporaneous statutes. Some states and Union Territories are not presently governed by the Indian Easements Act, 1882. Those excepted areas in India are governed by the authoritative commentaries on the law of easements and licenses. B B Katiyar’s “Law of Easements and Licenses” is one of such valuable commentaries which was first published in the year 1925. Thereafter, it has gone into numerous editions establishing its reputation and goodwill. The sixteenth edition has been revised with a view to enriching its utility and importance to the users of this treatise by incorporation of matters and relevant case-law of the Courts of India and also of the United Kingdom. It is hoped that this revised edition will also be equally effective and more beneficial to the users of this treatise.

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