
Legal Book List

IT Security

IT Security - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
IT Security


May 2016
Pages | Format
352 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : The book " IT Security" consists of 20 chapters.The book is meant as courseware for the “Certificate Exam in IT Security”. The book provides an overview of IT Security in banking institutes. The contents of the book are appropriately organized into four modules: 1. IT Security Overview 2. IT Security Controls 3. IT Security Threats 4. IS Audit & Regulator Compliance to cover all the essentials of IT Security


Today, banks are using very complex IT Infrastructures for their operations. This includes hardware, software, networking equipments and data centres. Many banks have also gone for data warehousing and data mining tools for their decision making. To safeguard these physical and IT assets & the data, it is necessary that every banker who deals with Information Technology should have the adequate knowledge of IT Security and its implications. This book is meant as courseware for the “Certificate Exam in IT Security” being offered by the Indian Institute of Banking & Finance.

This book provides an overview of IT Security in banking institutes. The contents of the book are appropriately organized into four modules viz: (i) IT Security Overview, (ii) IT Security Controls, (iii) IT Security Threats, (iv) IS Audit & Regulatory Compliance to cover all the essentials of IT Security. The contents of the book will be found useful by all those who are involved in IT Security in banks and students who are pursuing academic courses on the subject.

Chapter No Chapter name
Module: A IT Security Overview
Chapter: 1 Introduction to Information Security
Chapter: 2 Corporate IT Security
Chapter: 3 Organisational Security and Risk Management
Chapter: 4 Security Governance
Chapter: 5 Physical and Environmental Security
Chapter: 6 Hardware Security
Chapter: 7 Software And Operational Security
Chapter: 8 Security Standards and Best Practices
Module: B IT Security Controls
Chapter: 9 Asset Classification and Controls
Chapter: 10 Physical & Environmental Security Controls
Chapter: 11 Software Security Control
Chapter: 12 Network Controls
Chapter: 13 Controls in Software Development & Maintenance
Module: C IT Security Threats
Chapter: 14 IT Security Threats
Chapter: 15 Software Attacks - Virus and Malwares
Chapter: 16 Incident Management
Chapter: 17 Fault Tolerant Systems
Chapter: 18 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Management
Module: D IS Audit & Regulatory Complianc
Chapter: 19 Information Systems Audit
Chapter: 20 Regulatory Mechanism in Indian Banks