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Intellectual Property Rights in India

Intellectual Property Rights in India - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Intellectual Property Rights in India


2nd Edition 2015
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Note : The conclusion of the TRIPs Agreement was the start of a new era in the field of intellectual property rights. The TRIPs Agreement evolved minimum standards for copyright, patents, trademarks, industrial designs, geographical indications, layout design of integrated circuits, and undisclosed information, which includes trade secrets.

The subject of intellectual property rights has become extremely important since then. The member states of TRIPs Agreement were under an obligation to amend their laws relating to intellectual property rights to bring them in conformity with the provisions of TRIPs Agreement. India has also enacted new laws on designs, trademarks, plant varieties and farmer’s rights, geographical indications, semiconductor integrated circuits layout designs and amended the Copyright Act and Patents Act drastically.

This book is an attempt to discuss and analyse the law on intellectual property rights in India in very simple language. The book also discusses know-how and licences to give an overall picture of the law on intellectual property rights. A summary of all the international agreements, treaties and conventions on the subject has also been provided to familiarise the readers with these treaties. Both Indian and English cases have been referred and discussed. This book will prove to be of immense value to all persons interested in this field. This book contains all important appendices relating to this field for easy reference.

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