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Guide for Higher Judicial Service Examination

Guide for Higher Judicial Service Examination - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Guide for Higher Judicial Service Examination


2nd edition 2020
Pages | Format
1336 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size

Universal’s Guide for Higher Judicial Service Examination is a comprehensive guide covering all important areas of law which form part of the syllabus of the revered Higher Judicial Service Examinations. Several questions and answers, theoretical as well as analytical and based on the pattern of the examination conducted, have been included. The answers are supported with relevant case-law thereby making the book an indispensable guide for anyone preparing for the services. In this fifth edition, several new questions have been included to cover the recent developments as well as to keep the readers abreast of changing trends in the examinations. The book is an essential guide for all those preparing for the Higher Judicial Service Examinations. It shall also be of great help to the members of the Bar and Bench.

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