
Legal Book List

Directors Responsibility Under Various Acts

Directors Responsibility Under Various Acts - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Directors Responsibility Under Various Acts


Pages | Format
292 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : The book " Directors Responsibility Under Various Acts" contains 16 chapters.


The Companies Act, 2013 replaced the Companies Act, 1956, with an objective to achieve more transparency, accountability and promote better Corporate Governance, in the functioning of Companies. As compared to the previous law there was an enormous change in the role of a director under new Companies Act with enhanced legislative reliance on strict liability, the reversal of onus of proof legislation and a growing emphasis on the need for directors to consider broader corporate stakeholder interests in managing companies. Directors of company play a key role to strike a fine balance between all the key stakeholders of a company. They are agents of the company. A Director may be an employee, a servant, worker or even an advisor of the Company. Effective and well-informed directors face a complex and ever-changing governance landscape, and in this book. The Chamber of Tax Consultants has tried to bring together far-reaching changes in directors’ duties and other principles of company law, and all the other laws which affect the way every director does his/her job. This book is a compilation containing 16 Chapters covering different aspects of various laws, such as Companies Act, PMLA, FEMA, Direct andIndirect Tax, Labour laws, Environmental laws, Real estate laws, etc. The bookalso provides comparison Directors liabilities in other countries as well. The Chamber is delighted with the thought-provoking contributions from thehighly distinguished authors of this book who have demonstrated skill and originality in their analyses and thereby maintaining a fair balance between academic and practical quality at the forefront.

Current Publications of The Chamber of Tax Consultants:

  • The Chamber’s Journal (Monthly)
  • The Chamber’s International Tax Journal (Quarterly)
  • An Analysis of Income Computing and Disclosure Standards
  • Directors’ Responsibility Under Various Acts
  • EPC Contracts - Compendium on Taxation and Regulatory Issues
  • FAQs on LLP
  • Hand Book on Valuation
  • Tax Withholding from Payments to Non-residents
  • 90 Supreme Court Land Mark Decisions
Chapter No Chapter name
Chapter: 1 Directors under Companies Act, 2013
Chapter: 2 SEBI Listing Obligation and Disclosures - Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown
Chapter: 3 Liability of a Director under FEMA, PMLA, FCRA and Benami Law
Chapter: 4 Competition Act, 2002 and other Related Acts
Chapter: 5 Banking Regulations
Chapter: 6 Liability of Directors/Guarantors under the Provisions of Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993 and the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002
Chapter: 7 Liability of Company Directors under Income Tax Act
Chapter: 8 Directors’ Responsibilities under Excise, Custom and Service Tax Laws
Chapter: 9 Director’s Responsibility under VAT, CST and GST
Chapter: 10 Director’s Liability under the Intellectual Properties Rights Laws
Chapter: 11 Liability of Director under Various Labour Laws
Chapter: 12 Prosecution of Directors under the Negotiable Instruments Act
Chapter: 13 Environmental Responsibilities of Directors
Chapter: 14 Liability of Directors under MOFA and RERA
Chapter: 15 Responsibilities & Liabilities of Directors under other Commercial Laws
Chapter: 16 Director’s Duties and Responsibilities under Different Jurisdictions