
Legal Book List

Child Rights in India

Child Rights in India - Mahavir Law House(MLH)
Child Rights in India


Pages | Format
964 | Paperback
Approx. Product Size

Note : The book "Child Rights in India" contains 9 chapters.


Legislation is one of the most important tools for empowering children. It reflects the commitment of the state to promote an ideal and progressive value system. Recent years have seen several key developments in the law, policy, and practice related to child rights. Significantly, with the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, a rights-based approach has acquired prominence in the child rights discourse across the world.
The book analyses the laws in the light of court judgments and policy initiatives taken in India. It also examines the interventions and strategies employed by non-governmental organizations in recommending legislative reforms in support of children.
This fully revised third edition focuses on the new legal developments in India—such as the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015; the new Central Adoption Resource Agency guidelines; the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009; and the National Food Security Act, 2013—thus attempting to integrate the law in theory and field practice.

Chapter No Chapter name
Chapter: 1 Rights of the Child: An Overview
Chapter: 2 Right to Family Environment: Adoption and Other Non-institutional Services
Chapter: 3 Right to Parental Care: Custody and Guardianship
Chapter: 4 Right against Economic Exploitation: Child Labour
Chapter: 5 Right to Protection against Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Chapter: 6 Juvenile Justice: Administration and Implementation
Chapter: 7 Right to Development: Education, Play, and Recreation
Chapter: 8 Right to Survival: Health, Nutrition, and Shelter
Chapter: 9 Making Child Rights a Reality